THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA: As you first look upon the Great Wall, it is impossible not to be awestruck at this man-made structure. Construction started in the 7th century BC with additions and rebuilding continuing until the 16th century AD. The Great Wall was built to keep out the warring invaders of the north, but additional sections were extended eastward for nearly 4,000 miles. Day tours are available to take you to view several sections of the Wall that are located only a short drive from Beijing, of which the Badaling Section, Juyongguan Pass Section and Mutianyu Section are popular and well preserved. Mutianyu Section Great Wall is less crowded and its view is stunning once you climb to the top. However, it is located further away from the city proper of Beijing inn comparison of Badaling Sectiona and Juyongguan Section. Listed as the World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO of the United Nations in 1987.